报告题目 (Title):Distance-regular graphs whose q-distance matrix has exactly one positive eigenvalue (关于q-距离矩阵恰有一个正特征值的距离正则图)
报告人 (Speaker):Jack Koolen 教授(中国科学技术大学)
报告时间 (Time):2023年6月28日(周三) 10:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部E408
报告摘要:The q distance matrix D_q of a connected graph is
defined by (D_q)_{xy} = 1 + 1/q + \cdots+ 1/{q^{d-1}} when
d(x, y)= d \geq 1 and 0 otherwise. In this talk we study this matrix for
the class of distance-regular and show that if it has only one
positive eigenvalue it must have certain nice properties. I also show
that this happens for many infinite families of distance-regular
graphs. This is based on joint work with Sakander Hayat, Mamonn
Abdullah and Brhane Gebremichel.