数学学科Seminar第2412讲 (对数)缠结算子的模不变性

创建时间:  2023/06/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):(对数)缠结算子的模不变性(Modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators)

报告人 (Speaker): 黄一知 教授(美国Rutgers大学)

报告时间 (Time):2023年6月27日 (周二) 16:00-17:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部F309

邀请人(Inviter):张红莲 教授


报告摘要: I will discuss a proof of a conjecture of almost twenty years on the modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators. Let V be a C_2-cofinite vertex operator algebra without nonzero elements of negative weights. The conjecture states that the vector space spanned by pseudo-q-traces shifted by -c/24 of products of (logarithmic) intertwining operators among grading-restricted generalized V-modules

is a module for the modular group SL(2, Z). In 2015, Fiordalisi proved that such pseudo-q-traces are absolutely convergent and have the genus-one associativity property and some other properties. Recently, I have proved this conjecture completely. This modular invariace result gives a construction of C_2-cofinite genus-one logarithmic conformal field theories. We expect that it will play an important role in the study of problems and conjectures on C_2-cofinite logarithmic conformal field theories. The talk will start with the meaning of modular transformations and the definition of vertex operator algebras.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2413讲 关于q-距离矩阵恰有一个正特征值的距离正则图

下一条:上海大学核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第38讲 非交换的Brunn-Minkowski不等式

数学学科Seminar第2412讲 (对数)缠结算子的模不变性

创建时间:  2023/06/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):(对数)缠结算子的模不变性(Modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators)

报告人 (Speaker): 黄一知 教授(美国Rutgers大学)

报告时间 (Time):2023年6月27日 (周二) 16:00-17:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部F309

邀请人(Inviter):张红莲 教授


报告摘要: I will discuss a proof of a conjecture of almost twenty years on the modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators. Let V be a C_2-cofinite vertex operator algebra without nonzero elements of negative weights. The conjecture states that the vector space spanned by pseudo-q-traces shifted by -c/24 of products of (logarithmic) intertwining operators among grading-restricted generalized V-modules

is a module for the modular group SL(2, Z). In 2015, Fiordalisi proved that such pseudo-q-traces are absolutely convergent and have the genus-one associativity property and some other properties. Recently, I have proved this conjecture completely. This modular invariace result gives a construction of C_2-cofinite genus-one logarithmic conformal field theories. We expect that it will play an important role in the study of problems and conjectures on C_2-cofinite logarithmic conformal field theories. The talk will start with the meaning of modular transformations and the definition of vertex operator algebras.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2413讲 关于q-距离矩阵恰有一个正特征值的距离正则图

下一条:上海大学核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第38讲 非交换的Brunn-Minkowski不等式