数学学科Seminar第2380讲 辐射水动力系统近似方程的研究

创建时间:  2023/05/16  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):The researches on the approximated equations arising from hydrodynamic system with radiation(辐射水动力系统近似方程的研究)

报告人 (Speaker):杨雄锋 教授 (上海交通大学)

报告时间 (Time):2023年5月17日(周三) 9:00 -11:00

报告地点 (Place):线上 (腾讯会议 ID: 218 168 783 会议密码:6789)

邀请人(Inviter):朱佩成 教授


报告摘要: In this talk, I will present our results on some approximation radiation hydrodynamic systems, including the pointwise estimate of the solution of the radiation hydrodynamic equations in 1-D, the asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave of equilibrium approximation equation in 1-D, the existence and time decay rate of the solutions of the P1 radiation hydrodynamic system in 3D with viscosity. These models arise from the radiation hydrodynamics which describes the macroscopic fluid motion and a $P_1$ approximation of the transport equation. (Jointed works with S.J. Deng, K.Q. Li, F. Xie and W.J. Wang).

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2381讲 关于Blaszak和Szum的一个特殊二维晶格:矩阵积分解和孤子

下一条:物理学科Seminar第606讲 CeNiAsO中近藤坍缩量子临界点的核磁共振研究

数学学科Seminar第2380讲 辐射水动力系统近似方程的研究

创建时间:  2023/05/16  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):The researches on the approximated equations arising from hydrodynamic system with radiation(辐射水动力系统近似方程的研究)

报告人 (Speaker):杨雄锋 教授 (上海交通大学)

报告时间 (Time):2023年5月17日(周三) 9:00 -11:00

报告地点 (Place):线上 (腾讯会议 ID: 218 168 783 会议密码:6789)

邀请人(Inviter):朱佩成 教授


报告摘要: In this talk, I will present our results on some approximation radiation hydrodynamic systems, including the pointwise estimate of the solution of the radiation hydrodynamic equations in 1-D, the asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave of equilibrium approximation equation in 1-D, the existence and time decay rate of the solutions of the P1 radiation hydrodynamic system in 3D with viscosity. These models arise from the radiation hydrodynamics which describes the macroscopic fluid motion and a $P_1$ approximation of the transport equation. (Jointed works with S.J. Deng, K.Q. Li, F. Xie and W.J. Wang).

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2381讲 关于Blaszak和Szum的一个特殊二维晶格:矩阵积分解和孤子

下一条:物理学科Seminar第606讲 CeNiAsO中近藤坍缩量子临界点的核磁共振研究