物理系Seminar Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of Energy Conversion in Nanoscale 纳米尺度的能量转换的量子力学模拟

创建时间:  2016/05/30  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目Title:Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of Energy Conversion in Nanoscale 纳米尺度的能量转换的量子力学模拟
报 告 人Speaker:Yu Zhang 张余 美国西北大学
报告地点Venue:校本部E106会议室,上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心SHU ICQMS
Understanding of the electronic and optical properties of nanoscale optoelectronic device is imperative for further optimization of their performance. In this talk, I will present our development of quantum mechanical approaches for modeling photovoltaic effect (PV) and electroluminescence (EL) processes in nanoscale. Based on nonequilibrium Green's function quantum transport equation, the light-matter interaction is included to describe the energy conversion in the devices under non-equilibrium condition. The reliability of our method is illustrated by numerical simulations of silicon nanowire based solar cells and LED devices. EL spectra of the nanowire under different bias voltage are obtained and, more importantly, radiation pattern and polarization of optical emission can be determined using our approach. Our work is a step forward towards atomistic quantum mechanical modeling of light-induced current and electrically induced optical response in nanoscale system. Moreover, a novel theory is developed to describe the energy conversion of plasmonic hot-carrier solar cell, which is used to study the fundamental limitations to plasmonic hot-carrier solar cells. The numerical results indicate this cell can significantly improve the absorption of solar radiation but it suffers from low internal quantum efficiency as plasmon excitation creates a broad distribution of hot electron/hole energies. The connection of these results to recent experiments will also be described.


[1] Yu Zhang, Lingyi Meng, ChiYung Yam and GuanHua Chen, "Quantum-Mechanical Prediction of Nanoscale Photovoltaics" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 1272-1277.

[2] Ruling Wang, Yu Zhang, Fuzhen Bi, GuanHua Chen and ChiYung Yam, "Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Nanoscale Light Emitting Diodes" arXiv.1512.08498, submitted.

上一条:物理学科Seminar第290讲 化学法高温超导YBCO涂层导体的研究进展

下一条:物理学科Seminar第290讲 化学法高温超导YBCO涂层导体的研究进展

物理系Seminar Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of Energy Conversion in Nanoscale 纳米尺度的能量转换的量子力学模拟

创建时间:  2016/05/30  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目Title:Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of Energy Conversion in Nanoscale 纳米尺度的能量转换的量子力学模拟
报 告 人Speaker:Yu Zhang 张余 美国西北大学
报告地点Venue:校本部E106会议室,上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心SHU ICQMS
Understanding of the electronic and optical properties of nanoscale optoelectronic device is imperative for further optimization of their performance. In this talk, I will present our development of quantum mechanical approaches for modeling photovoltaic effect (PV) and electroluminescence (EL) processes in nanoscale. Based on nonequilibrium Green's function quantum transport equation, the light-matter interaction is included to describe the energy conversion in the devices under non-equilibrium condition. The reliability of our method is illustrated by numerical simulations of silicon nanowire based solar cells and LED devices. EL spectra of the nanowire under different bias voltage are obtained and, more importantly, radiation pattern and polarization of optical emission can be determined using our approach. Our work is a step forward towards atomistic quantum mechanical modeling of light-induced current and electrically induced optical response in nanoscale system. Moreover, a novel theory is developed to describe the energy conversion of plasmonic hot-carrier solar cell, which is used to study the fundamental limitations to plasmonic hot-carrier solar cells. The numerical results indicate this cell can significantly improve the absorption of solar radiation but it suffers from low internal quantum efficiency as plasmon excitation creates a broad distribution of hot electron/hole energies. The connection of these results to recent experiments will also be described.


[1] Yu Zhang, Lingyi Meng, ChiYung Yam and GuanHua Chen, "Quantum-Mechanical Prediction of Nanoscale Photovoltaics" J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 1272-1277.

[2] Ruling Wang, Yu Zhang, Fuzhen Bi, GuanHua Chen and ChiYung Yam, "Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Nanoscale Light Emitting Diodes" arXiv.1512.08498, submitted.

上一条:物理学科Seminar第290讲 化学法高温超导YBCO涂层导体的研究进展

下一条:物理学科Seminar第290讲 化学法高温超导YBCO涂层导体的研究进展