量子科技研究院Seminar第19讲/物理学科Seminar第680讲 利用机器学习改进大规模从头算材料模拟方法:无轨道密度泛函理论和紧束缚密度泛函理论

创建时间:  2024/09/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Advancing Orbital-Free DFT and DFTB for Large-Scale ab initio Materials Modeling with Machine Learning(利用机器学习改进大规模从头算材料模拟方法:无轨道密度泛函理论和紧束缚密度泛函理论)

报告人 (Speaker):Assoc. Prof. Sergei Manzhos(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

报告时间 (Time):2024年9月5日(周四) 15:30-17:30

报告地点 (Place):校本部G313

邀请人 (Inviter):任伟 教授


摘要 (Abstract):

Ab initio materials modeling is still largely based on Kohn-Sham DFT (density functional theory). The near-cubic scaling of KS-DFT makes possible routine calculations only at small scale, limited to 102-3 atoms. This becomes problematic when ab initio level insight (effects of or on electronic structure, mechanisms of various phenomena) is needed for intrinsically large-scale problems (e.g. microstructure effects, large molecules and interfaces). Large-scale DFT-based methods exist (Order-N DFT, Orbital-free (OF) DFT, DFTB (density functional tight binding)) but still require improvements to be routinely usable in various applications. In this talk, I will consider two large-scale approaches, OF-DFT and DFTB, and specifically focus on using machine learning (ML) to improve them, either to improve the accuracy or to extend the field of applicability. For DFTB, I will show how one can realize a QM-MM (quantum mechanics-molecular mechanics) hybrid not by spatial range but by type of interactions, modeling some of the interatomic interactions at the MM level with a ML-optimized potential function. For OF-DFT, I will show how ML can be used to help construct kinetic energy functionals (KEF) which have been the bottleneck on the way to wider adoption of the OF-DFT method that is capable of routine modeling of million-atom systems.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2695讲 基于高维数据的复杂生物系统临界状态预警方法

下一条:数学学科Seminar第2694讲 Levy噪声驱动的McKean-Vlasov型Langevin动力学在Lyapunov条件下的指数收缩性和时间一致的混沌传播

量子科技研究院Seminar第19讲/物理学科Seminar第680讲 利用机器学习改进大规模从头算材料模拟方法:无轨道密度泛函理论和紧束缚密度泛函理论

创建时间:  2024/09/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Advancing Orbital-Free DFT and DFTB for Large-Scale ab initio Materials Modeling with Machine Learning(利用机器学习改进大规模从头算材料模拟方法:无轨道密度泛函理论和紧束缚密度泛函理论)

报告人 (Speaker):Assoc. Prof. Sergei Manzhos(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

报告时间 (Time):2024年9月5日(周四) 15:30-17:30

报告地点 (Place):校本部G313

邀请人 (Inviter):任伟 教授


摘要 (Abstract):

Ab initio materials modeling is still largely based on Kohn-Sham DFT (density functional theory). The near-cubic scaling of KS-DFT makes possible routine calculations only at small scale, limited to 102-3 atoms. This becomes problematic when ab initio level insight (effects of or on electronic structure, mechanisms of various phenomena) is needed for intrinsically large-scale problems (e.g. microstructure effects, large molecules and interfaces). Large-scale DFT-based methods exist (Order-N DFT, Orbital-free (OF) DFT, DFTB (density functional tight binding)) but still require improvements to be routinely usable in various applications. In this talk, I will consider two large-scale approaches, OF-DFT and DFTB, and specifically focus on using machine learning (ML) to improve them, either to improve the accuracy or to extend the field of applicability. For DFTB, I will show how one can realize a QM-MM (quantum mechanics-molecular mechanics) hybrid not by spatial range but by type of interactions, modeling some of the interatomic interactions at the MM level with a ML-optimized potential function. For OF-DFT, I will show how ML can be used to help construct kinetic energy functionals (KEF) which have been the bottleneck on the way to wider adoption of the OF-DFT method that is capable of routine modeling of million-atom systems.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2695讲 基于高维数据的复杂生物系统临界状态预警方法

下一条:数学学科Seminar第2694讲 Levy噪声驱动的McKean-Vlasov型Langevin动力学在Lyapunov条件下的指数收缩性和时间一致的混沌传播