一、专 著:
[I] Xinchu Fu, Michael Small and Guanrong Chen, Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks--Models, Methods and Stability Analysis. Network Science and Engineering Series, Higher Education Press, and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester, 2014.
[II] Xinchu Fu, Introduction to Discontinuous Dynamical Systems, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010.
[III] 傅新楚,周焕文,许凯华,《分叉.浑沌.符号动力学》, 武汉大学出版社, 1993。
二、文 集:
[IV] 张国华,陈池瑜,段金桥,傅新楚等(主编),《数理科学今天》,中国国际文化出版社,香港,2016。(Kokwah Chang, Chiyu Chen, Jinqiao Duan, Xinchu Fu, et al. (Eds.), Mathematical Sciences Today, China Intl. Culture Press, Hong Kong, Feb. 2016. pp652, ISBN 978-988-14846-7-3)
[V] Yisong Yang, Xinchu Fu and Jinqiao Duan (Eds.), Perspectives in Mathematical Sciences. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, World Scientific, Review Volume, 2010.
[1] Shanshan Chen, Michael Small, and Xinchu Fu*, Global stability of epidemic models with imperfect vaccination and quarantine on scale-free networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 7 (3), 19 September 2020, 1583-1596.
[2] Junbo Jia, Zhen Jin, Xinchu Fu*, Epidemic spread in directed interconnected networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 75, Aug. 2019, 1-13.
[3] Mengfeng Sun, Michael Small, Shui Shan Lee, and Xinchu Fu*, An exploration and simulation of epidemic spread and its control in multiplex networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78 (3) (2018) 1602-1631.
[4] Shanshan Chen, Michael Small, Yizhou Tao and Xinchu Fu*, Transmission dynamics of an SIS model with age structure on heterogeneous networks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (8), Aug. 2018, 2049-2087.
[5] Mengfeng Sun, Haifeng Zhang, Huiyan Kang, Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu*, Epidemic spreading on adaptively weighted scale-free networks. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 74 (2017) 1263-1298.
[6] Shanshan Chen, Kaihua Wang, Mengfeng Sun and Xinchu Fu*, Spread of competing viruses on heterogeneous networks. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A, 375 (2017) 20160284.
[7] Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Xin-Jian Xu, Xinchu Fu*, Epidemic spreading on contact networks with adaptive weights. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 317, Jan. 2013, 133-139.
[8] Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu*, Guanrong Chen, Spreading dynamics and global stability of a generalized epidemic model on complex heterogeneous networks. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (12), December 2012, 5808-5817.
[9] Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu*, Michael Small, and Zhongjun Ma, Adaptive mechanism between dynamical synchronization and epidemic behavior on complex networks. Chaos, 21 (3), (2011) 033111.
[10] Xiaopeng Chen, Jinqiao Duan and Xinchu Fu, A sufficient condition for bifurcation in random dynamical systems. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 138 (3) (2010) 965-973.
[11] Xinchu Fu, Michael Small, David M. Walker, Haifeng Zhang, Epidemic dynamics on scale-free networks with piecewise linear infectivity and immunization. Physical Review E, 77 (2008) 036113.
[12] Xin-Chu Fu, Jinqiao Duan, On global attractors for a class of nonhyperbolic piecewise affine maps. Physica D, 237 (2008) 3369-3376.
[13] Peter Ashwin, Xin-Chu Fu and John Terry, Riddling and invariance for discontinuous maps preserving Lebesgue measure. Nonlinearity, 15 (2002) 633-645.
[14] Peter Ashwin and Xin-Chu Fu, Tangencies in invariant circle packings for certain planar piecewise isometries are rare, Dynamical Systems, 16 (2001) 333-345.
[15] Xin-Chu Fu and Jinqiao Duan, Infinite-dimensional linear dynamical systems with chaoticity, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 9 (1999) 197-211.