1. W. C. Sheng, Q. L. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, A direct Eulerian GRP scheme for a blood flow model in arteries, to appear in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021.
2. G. Lai, W. C. Sheng, Two-dimensional pseudosteady flows around a sharp corner, to appear in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2021.
3. Q. L. Zhang, W. C. Sheng*, A random choice method based on the Generalized Riemann Problem for the Eluler equations in gas dynamics, to appear in Journal of Computational Physics, 2021.
4. J.J. Chen, G. Lai, W.C. Sheng*, On the rarefaction waves of the two-dimensional compressible Euler equations for magnetohydrodynamics, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 17 (3), 2020, 591–612.
5. W. C. Sheng* , Q. L. Zhang, Y. X. Zheng, The Riemann problem for a blood flow model in arteries. Communications in Computational Physics, 27 (1), 2020 , 227–250.
6. Y. J. Liu, W. C. Sheng*, The Riemann problem of selfsimilar ZND model for the pressure gradient system in gas dynamical combustion, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60 (12), 2019, 121503, 15 pp.
7. W. C. Sheng*, S. K. You*, Interaction of a centered simple wave and a planar rarefaction wave of the two-dimensional Euler equations for pseudo-steady compressible flow, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 114, 2018, 29–50.
8. D. Hu, W. C. Sheng*, Stability of E-H type regular shock refraction, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59 (11), 2018, 111504, 25.
9. W. C. Sheng*, S. K. You, The two-dimensional unsteady supersonic flow around a convex corner, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 15 3(), 2018, 443–461.
10. W. C. Sheng, Q. L. Zhang, Interaction of the elementary waves of isentropic flow in a variable cross-section duct. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 16 (6), 2018, 1659–1684.
11. G. Lai; W. C. Sheng*, Elementary wave interactions to the compressible Euler equations for Chaplygin gas in two dimensions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76 (6), 2016, 2218–2242.
12. Lai Geng; Sheng Wancheng *, Two-dimensional centered wave flow patches to the Guderley Mach reflection configurations for steady flows in gas dynamics, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 13(1), 2016, 107-128.
13. G. Lai, W. C. Sheng*, Centered wave bubbles with sonic boundary of pseudosteady Guderley Mach reflection configurations in gas dynamics, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 104 (1), 2015, 179–206.
14. G. Lai, W. C. Sheng*, Nonexistence of the von Neumann reflection configuration for the triple point paradox, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 71(6), 2011, 2072-2092.
15. G. Lai, W. C. Sheng*,Y. X. Zheng,Simple wave and pressure delta waves for a Chaplygin gas in two-dimensions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,31(2), 2011, 489-523.
16. W. C. Sheng*, G. D. Wang, T. Zhang, Critical transonic shock and supersonic bubble in oblique rarefaction wave reflection along a compressive corner, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70(8), 2010, 3140-3155.
17. L.H. Guo, W. C. Sheng*, T. Zhang, The two-dimensional Riemann problem for isentropic Chaplygin gas dynamic system. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 9 (2), 2010, 431–458.
18. W. C. Sheng*, G. Yin, Transonic shock and supersonic shock in the regular reflection of a planar shock, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 60(3), 2009, 438–449.
19. W. C. Sheng*, T. Zhang, Structural stability of solutions to the Riemann problem for a scalar nonconvex CJ combustion mode, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 25(2), 2009, 651–667.
20. W. C. Sheng*, T. Zhang, A cartoon for the climbing ramp problem of a shock and von Neumann paradox, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 184(2), 2007, 243-255.
21. W. C. Sheng*, M. Sun, T. Zhang, The generalized Riemann problem for a scalar nonconvex Chapman-Jouguet combustion model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68(2), 2007, 544-561.
22. M. N. Sun, W. C. Sheng*, The ignition problem for a scalar nonconvex combustion model, Journal of Differential Equations, 231 (2), 2006, 673--692.
23. W. C. Sheng, Two-dimensional Riemann problem for scalar conservation laws, Journal of Differential Equations, 183, 2002, 239-261.
24. W. C. Sheng*, T. Zhang, The Riemann problem for the transportation equations in gas dynamics, Memoirs of American Mathematical Society, 1999, 137: 1-72.
25. W. C. Sheng*, D. C. Tan, Weak deflagration solutions to the simplest combustion model, Journal of Differential Equations, 107(2), 1994, 207-230.3.